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No more waste of food!

FREEdge is a net of free food fridges providing a solution to people who dislike the waste of food and are willing to share it with others.

How does FREEdge work?

Before setting up your own freedge it is necessary to understand how exactly does it work.  

Let's say you have an apple. The apple is in a great condition but you know that you will not be able to eat it. And so there are two possible ways what to do with that apple.


It does not matter who takes the food from the FREEdge, the important thing is that it is not wasted and that it can make somebody else happy.

Or you can be mindful about the waste of food and try to look for somebody who would eat the apple instead of you.

One of the ways is just to wait till the apple will get bad and then trhow it to a trash bin.

Of course, it works the other way around as wheel. There can be a time when you feel like eating something but you do not have anything to satisfy your hunger...

So go and visit the nearest FREEdge. There is a high probability that you will find something inside...

And here comes the idea! Let's place it into the FREEdge and give an opportunity for others to eat it instead of you!

Once the food is in the FREEdge it is avaliable for everybody..

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